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When you want to pop your headphones in and tune into a pranayama or meditation practice from wherever you are, these audio practices are a perfect fit. These practices have minimal or no guided movement and are guided through verbal instruction.

Drawing from SVYASA’s traditional practices for stress-reduction, this 10-minute Deep Relaxation Technique is a staple practice for relieving tension both physically and mentally. You can do this practice lying down or seated. No additional props required.

*Not recommended for those actively experiencing severe depressive symptoms.

Take a 5-minute pause to de-stress and be present. In this short and sweet practice, you will be guided through mindful awareness of your surroundings, helping you to ground in the present moment.

Process your day and prepare for a night of sound sleep with this soothing meditation. With soothing background music and the use of OM, you will be guided through gentle reflections to support stress reduction.

Pitta is one of the three Āyurvedic doṣas (constitutions), and is made up of fire and water. When pitta is aggravated, you may feel symptoms like irritability, excessive anger, frequent bowel movements, skin issues, hyper-critical thoughts, and more. In this 10-min meditation, allow yourself to be guided through relieving exhales and calming visuals of gentle rain to soothe excess heat in your system.

When you’re seeking support during times of transition and change, tune into this 12 minute supportive meditation practice. This meditation can be done seated or lying down.

In this 10 minute soothing practice, reflect on a situation or an area of your life you’d like to bring more kindness to. You can do this practice seated or lying down.

In this short and sweet yoga nidra practice (yogic sleep), practice deep awareness through a guided 61-point body scan and calming invitations to soften. This practice is recommended done lying down, but can also be practiced seated. No additional props are needed.

When you’re right in the midst of a bout of anxiety or experiencing a surge of anxious or nervous thoughts, tune into this guided pranayama practice to bring in a feeling of groundedness and calm. You can do this practice lying down or seated. No additional props are needed.